about song medicine:

Song medicine
£16 standard; £21 abundant & supporting; £11 low wage/student (self-selected)
WHEN 7.30-9.30pm, weekly on Thursday evenings
WHERE Studio 2 (First Floor), Telegraph Hill Centre,
Kitto Rd, London, SE14 5TY (regretfully, this space is not wheelchair accessible)
WHO Adults of all ages (18+)
HOW Buy your ticket online (no sales on the door)
WHAT The basic structure is:
>> 7.15pm arrival and registration
>> 7.30pm opening circle, housekeeping and group check-in
>> physical and vocal warm-ups
>> learn and sing a couple of fun songs by ear (call & response, 2/3/4 part harmony,
rounds), singing in a circle
>> 8.30pm (ish) tea break
>> learn and sing a slower, meditative song
>> closing circle, one-word shares &
optional hugs
>> 9.30pm finish, slow gathering of selves
and hometime (sometimes we socialise afterwards, but often we're so soft & chilled, we just want home & quiet)
Singing can be done standing, sitting on a chair or the floor, or moving around - whichever feels most comfortable for you! You will never be asked to sing on your own, and we don't use sheet music or "perform". These sessions are LGBTQIA+ celebrating - every voice is included here!
Our aim is to allow your thinking mind to rest, your nervous system to regulate (and co-regulate within the group), your body to relax and your sense of inner peace and connection to increase. Our closing circles are often full of deeply relaxed, peaceful and open-hearted folks, high on oxytocin (the love & connection hormone) and nourished for the days ahead.
Please note, these sessions are substance sober gatherings, to allow us to be fully present.

Relax, resource and connect
A large survey carried out by a Mental Health Crisis organisation has showed that 4.5 million Londoners have experienced poor mental health in the last 6 months, while a 2018 study showed that 74% of adults living in the UK felt “overwhelmed or unable to cope” with stress at some point in the preceding year (Mental Health Foundation). Research has also shown that loneliness and social isolation are associated with an increased 50% risk of Dementia, 29% increased risk of heart disease and a 32% increased risk of stroke (CDC data), with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in the UK declaring a loneliness “epidemic” in 2018.
"NOT ON MY WATCH!" says Assamiya
Relaxed group singing has been shown to be the magic bullet for happiness & wellbeing (you can read a recent article in the Metro about it here). Our Song Medicine gatherings give you a time & space to come and take really good care of yourself for an evening, to have lots of fun, and to connect with others in a relaxed & creative way.
Assamiya's leadership style is clear, encouraging and playful, and the sessions are lovingly designed to allow you to feel safe and welcomed, build your singing confidence and nourish your nervous system (super important for a sense of good wellbeing). It truly is Medicine.
Hear what our regulars have to say about it here.
NO sheet music to read
NO focus on the product, just the experience
NO performances - just the magic we create together in the moment
You're the boss of your experience!
Song Medicine sessions are run in a trauma-informed way, which means you will be in CHOICE at all times. This is a vital ingredient for accessing states of deep relaxation. There's no obligation to do anything on the night. Assamiya will encourage you to stay in your comfort zone as much as possible, as that's where the magic of this practice lies.
Join in every single note with gusto; spend the whole evening listening; watch for a bit then sing for a bit; drink tea in the chill-out zone; go to the loo when you need to; sing the parts you like the most; sing sitting or standing... it's YOUR choice. You'll be valued, celebrated and accepted for honouring your own boundaries and taking good care of yourself

creating INCLUSIVE community
Part of our ethos at Heart Song Collective is to build community (something that can be hard to find in the modern world), and that means EVERYONE feeling welcome.
Ways in which we make the sessions incusive:
ticket prices on a sliding scale, and a free "crew" ticket available each week as an energetic exchange
no gendered language about the voice, the group or the singing - our vocal expression dances beyond the gender binary, as do our members!
songs are simple and vocally accessible (no heroics needed!) and are taught phrase-by-phrase, by ear and by hand-gesture
everyone wears a sticker with their name and pronouns on (optional), so we can get it right for each other straight away and let go of that social anxiety
all physical warm-ups can be adapted for those with less mobility. As long as you can get up the stairs to the studio, everything else will be manageable
no previous singing experience necessary - you'll be given some simple tips & tricks along the way to help you sing with more ease & confidence